ColombiaPlayStation Store CO

PlayStation Store CO gift card

Buy PlayStation Store CO giftcards / vouchers with Bitcoin (BTC), USDC, USDT (Tether), XLM (Stellar), Ethereum, Litecoin, Dai, Polygon (MATIC), Fantom (FTM), Avalanche (AVAX), Solana (SOL), Algorand (ALGO) and many other cryptocurrencies & stable coins

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🇨🇴 This product may only work in Colombia. Sales are final.

Terms & Conditions

Adquirí contenido de PlayStation Store Purchased content from PlayStation Store

Redemption Methods


Redemption Instructions

Instrucciones de canje Haga clic en el enlace de URL anterior para ver los detalles de la tarjeta.   Redemption Instructions Click the redemption link above to view card details.

El uso que usted haga de este pin de PlayStation Store constituye su aceptación de estos términos y de cualquier término adicional disponible en Los pines, códigos prepago activados sólo pueden canjearse a través de una cuenta principal de SEN y están sujetos a la aceptación previa de los Términos de servicio y al Acuerdo del usuario de SEN, y la Política de privacidad disponibles en Los sistemas PS4, PS3, PS Vita y PSP, las computadoras personales, el acceso a Internet, y el hardware y software compatibles se venden por separado. Su cuenta solo aceptará pines, códigos prepago del país designado en su cuenta. Este pin no podrá canjearse por dinero en efectivo, no podrá devolverse a cambio de dinero en efectivo ni a crédito y no podrá utilizarse para ningún otro propósito. El pin no se reemplazará en caso de pérdida, destrucción o robo. Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC, su compañía matriz, sus compañías afiliadas y sus otorgantes de licencia no realizan garantías, explícitas o implícitas, respecto al pin, PSN o a la disponibilidad de los productos o servicios en la PlayStation Store. Todos los derechos reservados. Los términos de los pines prepago pueden cambiar sin previo aviso. La oferta no es válida donde la ley la prohíba o restrinja. Para obtener asistencia, comuníquese con "PlayStation", "PSP", el logotipo familiar de "PS", "PS4" y "PS3" son marcas registradas, y "PSN" y el logotipo de "PSN" son marcas de servicio de Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. La fecha de expedición y validez de este pin es aquella que aparece en la factura de compra. Este pin a no tiene vencimiento. Your use of this PlayStation Store pin constitutes your acceptance of these terms and any additional terms available at Activated pins, prepaid codes can only be redeemed through a SEN Master Account and are subject to prior acceptance of SEN's Terms of Service and User Agreement, and Privacy Policy available at ofservice. PS4, PS3, PS Vita and PSP systems, personal computers, Internet access, and compatible hardware and software are sold separately. Your account will only accept pins, prepaid codes from the country designated on your account. This pin may not be redeemed for cash, may not be returned for cash or credit, and may not be used for any other purpose. The pin will not be replaced if it is lost, destroyed or stolen. Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC, its parent company, its affiliated companies, and its licensors make no warranties, express or implied, regarding the PIN, PSN, or the availability of products or services on the PlayStation Store. All rights reserved. Terms of prepaid pins are subject to change without notice. Offer is void where prohibited or restricted by law. For assistance, please contact "PlayStation", "PSP", the "PS" family logo, "PS4" and "PS3" are registered trademarks, and "PSN" and the "PSN" logo are service marks of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. The date of issue and validity of this pin is the one that appears on the purchase invoice. This pin has no expiration.

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How it works

1. Select a product
Choose the product and amount you want
2. Pay
Scan or enter the amount and address
3. Receive & Redeem
Products are emailed out after payment is confirmed

Spend Stablecoins

Are you earning stablecoins through staking, DeFi lending, or getting paid in stable coins?

Spend USD Coin  - USDC
USD Coin
Available on the following networks
Available in Ethereum NetworkAvailable in Solana NetworkAvailable in Stellar NetworkAvailable in Binance Smart Chain NetworkAvailable in Avalanche NetworkAvailable in Polygon NetworkAvailable in Arbitrum NetworkAvailable in Optimism NetworkAvailable in Scroll NetworkAvailable in Algorand NetworkAvailable in Tron NetworkAvailable in Osmosis NetworkAvailable in Kujira NetworkAvailable in Base Network
Spend USDC.e  - USDC.e
Available on the following networks
Available in Plume NetworkAvailable in Arbitrum NetworkAvailable in Polygon Network
Spend Axelar USDC  - axlUSDC
Axelar USDC
Available on the following networks
Available in Osmosis NetworkAvailable in Kujira Network
Spend Tether  - USDT
Available on the following networks
Available in Ethereum NetworkAvailable in Solana NetworkAvailable in Binance Smart Chain NetworkAvailable in Avalanche NetworkAvailable in Polygon NetworkAvailable in Arbitrum NetworkAvailable in Optimism NetworkAvailable in Scroll NetworkAvailable in Tron Network
Spend Celo Dollar - cUSD
Celo Dollar
Spend Celo Euro - cEUR
Celo Euro
Spend PayPal USD (Solana Network) - PYUSD
PayPal USD (Solana Network)

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