CanadaInstacart CA

Instacart CA gift card

Buy Instacart CA giftcards / vouchers with Bitcoin (BTC), USDC, USDT (Tether), XLM (Stellar), Ethereum, Litecoin, Dai, Polygon (MATIC), Fantom (FTM), Avalanche (AVAX), Solana (SOL), Algorand (ALGO) and many other cryptocurrencies & stable coins

🇨🇦 This product may only work in Canada. Sales are final.

Terms & Conditions

The Instacart app gives you the power to get groceries, household items, and more delivered the same-day.


Redemption Methods


This gift card is redeemable via the Instacart app, on “Powered by Instacart” sites, and on within Canada in cities where Instacart’s services are available. Funds do not expire. The card is non-reloadable and, except where required by law, cannot be redeemed for cash, refunded, or returned. The entire value of your gift card is credited to one Instacart account upon redemption. Limits may apply to redemption and use. Instacart is not responsible for lost or stolen gift cards or unauthorized use. You may be required to add a secondary payment method if your purchase is more than the value of your gift card. The card is not redeemable outside Canada. Credits can be used on subsequent orders. Use of this gift card is governed by Instacart’s gift card terms and conditions available at To request a refund for anything purchased with this gift card visit your Instacart account or review our Help Centre articles for our policies. To check your balance visit or call 888-246-7822. Protect your gift card like cash. Maplebear Inc., d/b/a Instacart is card issuer and sole obligor to card owner. Instacart may delegate its issuer obligations to an assignee, without recourse. If delegated, the assignee, and not Instacart, will be sole obligor to card owner.

Want to earn cashback?

Download our mobile app to get up to 10% cashback on giftcard purchases 🙌

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How it works

1. Select a product
Choose the product and amount you want
2. Pay
Scan or enter the amount and address
3. Receive & Redeem
Products are emailed out after payment is confirmed

Spend Stablecoins

Are you earning stablecoins through staking, DeFi lending, or getting paid in stable coins?

Spend USDC.e (ETH Bridged on Polygon Network) - USDC.e
USDC.e (ETH Bridged on Polygon Network)
Spend Mountain Protocol USD - USDM
Mountain Protocol USD
Spend Celo Dollar - cUSD
Celo Dollar
Spend Celo Euro - cEUR
Celo Euro

Looking for a good way to spend cryptocurrency?

Buy gift cards, vouchers, mobile data and airtime with Bitcoin, USDT (Tether), Ethereum, Litecoin, and many more currencies from wallets like Coinomi, Valora, MetaMask, Evercoin, Enjin, Mycelium, MyEtherWallet, Jaxx, Trust Wallet, imToken, Coinbase Wallet and more.

Pay with Bitcoin, Pay with USDT, Ethereum, Litecoin and many other coins / tokens