United KingdomMorrisons School Lunches UK

Morrisons School Lunches UK gift card

Compra giftcards / vouchers de Morrisons School Lunches UK usando Bitcoin (BTC), USDC, USDT (Tether), XLM (Stellar), Ethereum, Litecoin, Dai, Polygon (MATIC), Fantom (FTM), Avalanche (AVAX), Solana (SOL), Algorand (ALGO) y muchas otras criptomonedas y stable coins

🇬🇧 Puede que este producto sólo funcione en United Kingdom. Las ventas son definitivas.

Términos & Condiciones

About Morrisons: freshness, service and value. We are proud to be the Yorkshire food retailer serving customers across the UK over almost 500 stores and an online home delivery service. What We Make, Makes Us Who We Are. We work closely with farmers and growers we know and trust to bring you good quality and great value every day on Market Street.

Sitio Web


Métodos de redención


1. Once activated this e-gift can be used as full or part payment for goods (excluding fuel and lottery purchases) in UK Morrisons stores. 2. This e-gift cannot be used online at www.Morrisons.com. 3. UK only, cannot be used in any Morrisons stores outside of the United Kingdom. 4. No change or refunds will be given but any balance remaining on the e-gift may be applied to future purchases. Where goods purchased with the e-gift are subsequently exchanged for goods of a lower price or refund, monies owing will be added to a gift card. 5. The minimum amount required to activate this e-gift is £5, the maximum amount is £250. 6. Please treat this e-gift as if it were cash. As we do not hold any personal information about a e-gift customer, the balance cannot be returned to you if it is lost or stolen. 7. This e-gift is not redeemable for cash, neither is it a credit, charge or cheque guarantee card. 8. This e-gift will expire after 12 months after your initial activation. 9. If you have any queries about this card please call 0344 3815042 or email morrisonsgiftcardservice@bhnetwork.com

¿Quieres ganar dinero?

Descarga nuestra app y obtén hasta un 10% de lo que gastes 🙌

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Así funciona

1. Elige un producto
Elige el producto y monto que quieras
2. Paga
Escanea o ingresa el monto y la dirección
3. Recibir & Reclamar
Los productos son enviados por email luego de confirmar el pago

Gasta Stablecoins

¿Estás obteniendo stablecoins como recompensa, préstamos DeFi, o te pagan con stablecoins?

Gasta USDC.e (ETH Bridged on Polygon Network) - USDC.e
USDC.e (ETH Bridged on Polygon Network)
Gasta Mountain Protocol USD - USDM
Mountain Protocol USD
Gasta Celo Dollar - cUSD
Celo Dollar
Gasta Celo Euro - cEUR
Celo Euro

¿Estás buscando una buena manera de gastar criptomonedas?

Compra tarjetas de regalo, vouchers, datos y minutos móviles usando Bitcoin, USDT (Tether), Ethereum, Litecoin, y muchas más divisas de billeteras como Coinomi, Valora, MetaMask, Evercoin, Enjin, Mycelium, MyEtherWallet, Jaxx, Trust Wallet, imToken, Coinbase Wallet y más.

Paga con Bitcoin, USDT, Ethereum, Litecoin y muchas otras monedas / tokens