United KingdomCarpetright UK

Carpetright UK gift card

Compra giftcards / vouchers de Carpetright UK usando Bitcoin (BTC), USDC, USDT (Tether), XLM (Stellar), Ethereum, Litecoin, Dai, Polygon (MATIC), Fantom (FTM), Avalanche (AVAX), Solana (SOL), Algorand (ALGO) y muchas otras criptomonedas y stable coins

🇬🇧 Puede que este producto sólo funcione en United Kingdom. Las ventas son definitivas.

Términos & Condiciones

Carpetright is proud to be the leading floor coverings and beds provider. Carpetright is committed to delivering excellent customer service and to making it easier for customers to transform their homes. Products range from carpets, laminate flooring, vinyl flooring, luxury vinyl tiles, and wood flooring - even offering artificial grass to improve outdoor living spaces. Carpetright is constantly expanding for their customers’ needs and is also stocking beds, mattresses, and headboards with a variety of designs available to suit all budgets and styles. Since being founded in 1988 Carpetright has grown, both organically and through acquisition, Carpetright trades from over 300 stores and concessions in the UK as well as stores in the Republic of Ireland. Click here to find your local store www.carpetright.co.uk/store

Sitio Web


Métodos de redención


Instrucciones de redención

1. Carpetright Gift Cards can be used as payment towards products and services from Carpetright Stores within the UK. Carpetright Gift Cards can be used as full or part payment. Gift cards cannot be used for telephone or online purchases 2. Carpetright Gift Cards may not be exchanged for cash, vouchers or more Carpetright Gift Cards. 3. The minimum amount to activate this card is £10 and the maximum credit amount is £3000. 4. There is no right to cancel an online Gift Card order once the Gift Card has been spent in full or part. 5. The Gift Card will expire 24 months after the date of issue and any remaining balance will be deducted. Carpetright will not be responsible for money not redeemed before expiry. 6. Gift Cards which are defaced, altered or cancelled will not be accepted. Carpetright reserves the right to any remedy, including refusal to honour a Gift Card, in the event of suspected fraud. 7. If any product purchased with a gift card is subsequently returned for a refund or exchanged for a product of lower price or a refund, any money owing will be issued as a balance reload or a new gift card. Purchases made with gift cards are not refundable in cash. 8. A Carpetright Gift Card remains the property of Carpetright. 9. Carpetright cannot be held liable for Gift Cards, once activated, which are subsequently lost, stolen, damaged or defaced. 10. The funds on a Gift Card are not covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. In the unlikely event of the issuer of this product becoming insolvent some funds on the card may not be available to spend. 11. In the event a Gift Card is non-functional, your sole remedy, and our sole liability, will be the replacement of such Gift Card. 12. Carpetright reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions from time to time where it reasonably considers it necessary to do so (e.g. to change the scope of the Gift Card service, including cancellation of the Gift Card service, if necessary, in return for an appropriate refund. Reasonable notice of such changes will be given where possible. 13. By activating and/or redeeming a Carpetright Gift Card you accept and agree to these terms and conditions. These terms and conditions are governed by and construed in accordance with UK law, and your purchase, receipt, and/or redemption of a Gift Card is subject to UK law. 14. The balance of the Gift Card can be checked in any Carpetright store (UK only) or online at https://public.inspireddeck.co.uk/ via balance checker.

1. Carpetright Gift Cards can be used as payment towards products and services from Carpetright Stores within the UK. Carpetright Gift Cards can be used as full or part payment. Gift cards cannot be used for telephone or online purchases 2. Carpetright Gift Cards may not be exchanged for cash, vouchers or more Carpetright Gift Cards. 3. The minimum amount to activate this card is £10 and the maximum credit amount is £3000. 4. There is no right to cancel an online Gift Card order once the Gift Card has been spent in full or part. 5. The Gift Card will expire 24 months after the date of issue and any remaining balance will be deducted. Carpetright will not be responsible for money not redeemed before expiry. 6. Gift Cards which are defaced, altered or cancelled will not be accepted. Carpetright reserves the right to any remedy, including refusal to honour a Gift Card, in the event of suspected fraud. 7. If any product purchased with a gift card is subsequently returned for a refund or exchanged for a product of lower price or a refund, any money owing will be issued as a balance reload or a new gift card. Purchases made with gift cards are not refundable in cash. 8. A Carpetright Gift Card remains the property of Carpetright. 9. Carpetright cannot be held liable for Gift Cards, once activated, which are subsequently lost, stolen, damaged or defaced. 10. The funds on a Gift Card are not covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. In the unlikely event of the issuer of this product becoming insolvent some funds on the card may not be available to spend. 11. In the event a Gift Card is non-functional, your sole remedy, and our sole liability, will be the replacement of such Gift Card. 12. Carpetright reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions from time to time where it reasonably considers it necessary to do so (e.g. to change the scope of the Gift Card service, including cancellation of the Gift Card service, if necessary, in return for an appropriate refund. Reasonable notice of such changes will be given where possible. 13. By activating and/or redeeming a Carpetright Gift Card you accept and agree to these terms and conditions. These terms and conditions are governed by and construed in accordance with UK law, and your purchase, receipt, and/or redemption of a Gift Card is subject to UK law. 14. The balance of the Gift Card can be checked in any Carpetright store (UK only) or online at https://public.inspireddeck.co.uk/ via balance checker.

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Así funciona

1. Elige un producto
Elige el producto y monto que quieras
2. Paga
Escanea o ingresa el monto y la dirección
3. Recibir & Reclamar
Los productos son enviados por email luego de confirmar el pago

Gasta Stablecoins

¿Estás obteniendo stablecoins como recompensa, préstamos DeFi, o te pagan con stablecoins?

Gasta USDC.e (ETH Bridged on Polygon Network) - USDC.e
USDC.e (ETH Bridged on Polygon Network)
Gasta Mountain Protocol USD - USDM
Mountain Protocol USD
Gasta Celo Dollar - cUSD
Celo Dollar
Gasta Celo Euro - cEUR
Celo Euro

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