Hong KongKKday HK

KKday HK gift card

Compra giftcards / vouchers de KKday HK usando Bitcoin (BTC), USDC, USDT (Tether), XLM (Stellar), Ethereum, Litecoin, Dai, Polygon (MATIC), Fantom (FTM), Avalanche (AVAX), Solana (SOL), Algorand (ALGO) y muchas otras criptomonedas y stable coins

🇭🇰 Puede que este producto sólo funcione en Hong Kong. Las ventas son definitivas.

Términos & Condiciones

KKday是專門提供旅遊體驗 (Local Tour) 的線上平台,網羅世界各地及本地的深度行程,為旅客省去了要到不同網站找行程和訂票的困擾,提升規劃自由行的舒適度。旨在把安排旅程變得更簡單、更即時,也讓旅人玩得更自在、更盡興、更安全。即使在本地,都可以獲得到旅遊感覺! 我們深信自由行是最能貼近在地的旅遊方式,每一趟旅程,都是一場精彩的饗宴。並希望每個愛旅行的你,都能和我們一樣,享受自由行的美好. KKday is the leading e-commerce travel platform that connects travelers with authentic local tours & activities. We are a group of travel lovers who look for the most authentic local experiences. We know how difficult it is to create an unforgettable journey so we created this platform to make it easier for you to find the activity that best fits your upcoming trip.

Sitio Web


Métodos de redención


Instrucciones de redención

選購合適產品後,於結帳付款前,謹記輸入以上禮券兌換碼< Enter the gift card code and apply it on your selected product before checkout and payment

代金券有效期為 3 個月 此電子禮劵只適用於 KKday 香港區註冊會員。如要成為 KKday 會員,可下載 KKday 手機應用程式或 KKday網站(https://www.kkday.com/zh-hk )進行註冊。 此電子禮劵不適用於所有門票產品。 此電子禮劵可於 3個月內前往 KKday 網站 或 KKday 手機應用程式兌換,並於禮劵使用限期後一個月內出發。 電子禮劵只可使用一次,逾期作廢,不設找贖、不得兌換現金。 顧客訂購後如因自身因素,如選購錯誤、電子禮劵過期等等,一概不獲退款。 電子禮劵不可與其他優惠及折扣同時使用。 結賬金額必須大於禮券價值。 優惠不得轉讓,每位 KKday 會員每次單一產品只可兌換並使用優惠碼一次。 產品頁顯示之價錢或會隨匯率改變而有所調整,實際價錢以當日官方網站售價為準。 行程內容及順序或會因當地天氣、交通等不可抗力因素微調。 產品頁上的資料及圖片由商戶提供,只供參考。 購買及使用個別折扣產品前,請先細閱該產品頁的注意事項。 如有任何爭議,所有解釋權歸 kkday.com 及 供應商所有, 可按其絕對酌情權修改本條款及條件而毋須作事前通知及保留行使此優惠之最終決定權 。 Evoucher is valid for 3 months. This e-voucher is only applicable to the registered members of KKday Hong Kong. To become a KKday member, you can download the KKday mobile app or register on the KKday website (https://www.kkday.com/zh-hk). This Gift Card is not applicable to all the ticket items. This e-voucher can be redeemed on the KKday website or the KKday mobile app with 3 months expiry. The experience will be scheduled to take place within 1 month after the expiry. The e-voucher can only be used once and will be invalid after the expiry date. If the amount on the e-voucher exceeds the amount charged, there will not be any change. The e-voucher cannot be exchanged for cash. After the booking is complete, customers will not be refunded for instances such as purchase errors, expired e-vouchers, etc. The e-voucher cannot be used in conjunction with other offers and discounts. The checkout amount must be greater than the value of the e-voucher itself. The offer is non-transferable and each KKday member can only redeem and use the promo code once for one product. The price displayed on the product page may be adjusted according to the exchange rate changes. The actual price is subject to the KKday official website. The content and sequence of the itinerary may be altered due to factors such as local weather and traffic. The information and pictures on the product page are provided by the service provider and are for reference only. Please read the precautions on the product page carefully before purchasing and applying any vouchers. In case of any disputes, all rights to interpretation belong to kkday.com and the supplier, and they can modify these terms and conditions at their absolute discretion without prior notice.

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Así funciona

1. Elige un producto
Elige el producto y monto que quieras
2. Paga
Escanea o ingresa el monto y la dirección
3. Recibir & Reclamar
Los productos son enviados por email luego de confirmar el pago

Gasta Stablecoins

¿Estás obteniendo stablecoins como recompensa, préstamos DeFi, o te pagan con stablecoins?

Gasta USD Coin  - USDC
USD Coin
Disponible en las redes de
Available in Ethereum NetworkAvailable in Solana NetworkAvailable in Stellar NetworkAvailable in Binance Smart Chain NetworkAvailable in Avalanche NetworkAvailable in Polygon NetworkAvailable in Arbitrum NetworkAvailable in Optimism NetworkAvailable in Scroll NetworkAvailable in Algorand NetworkAvailable in Tron NetworkAvailable in Osmosis NetworkAvailable in Kujira NetworkAvailable in Base Network
Gasta USDC.e  - USDC.e
Disponible en las redes de
Available in Plume NetworkAvailable in Berachain NetworkAvailable in Arbitrum NetworkAvailable in Polygon NetworkAvailable in Sonic Network
Gasta Axelar USDC  - axlUSDC
Axelar USDC
Disponible en las redes de
Available in Osmosis NetworkAvailable in Kujira Network
Gasta Tether  - USDT
Disponible en las redes de
Available in Ethereum NetworkAvailable in Solana NetworkAvailable in Binance Smart Chain NetworkAvailable in Avalanche NetworkAvailable in Polygon NetworkAvailable in Arbitrum NetworkAvailable in Optimism NetworkAvailable in Scroll NetworkAvailable in Tron Network
Gasta Celo Dollar - cUSD
Celo Dollar
Gasta Celo Euro - cEUR
Celo Euro
Gasta PayPal USD (Solana Network) - PYUSD
PayPal USD (Solana Network)

¿Estás buscando una buena manera de gastar criptomonedas?

Compra tarjetas de regalo, vouchers, datos y minutos móviles usando Bitcoin, USDT (Tether), Ethereum, Litecoin, y muchas más divisas de billeteras como Coinomi, Valora, MetaMask, Evercoin, Enjin, Mycelium, MyEtherWallet, Jaxx, Trust Wallet, imToken, Coinbase Wallet y más.

Paga con Bitcoin, USDT, Ethereum, Litecoin y muchas otras monedas / tokens